Friday, September 14, 2012

My quick thoughts on QE3

These are my quick thoughts on QE3 before my views get corrupted by the financial media:

- Instead of buying treasuries, this time the Fed will focus on mortgage-backed securities ("MBS"), which are essentially treasuries backed by real estate given the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with the stated intent of stimulating the still rather tepid real estate market
- This will drive mortgage rates, which are at historic lows already, down further, with dubious benefits to real estate prices. The bottlenecks here, which politicians will not admit, are 1) banks are only willing to lend at those rates to buyers with the best credit, 2) homeowners are not willing to sell and take losses unless they absolutely have to due to life events, and the real estate market will not recover until it finds the bottom
- Thus, the main benefactors of QE3 will be the current holders of MBS, primarily financial institutions, institutional investors and foreign governments
- Corporations have gone through two rounds of QE with the more creditworthy ones sitting on piles of cash and the less creditworthy ones getting by due to low interest rates. This is not going to change with QE3
- There will be a short-term bump in the stock market, which has been fluctuating based on human sentiments and computer algorithms' expectations of Fed and ECB actions. Given that the suspense is over for now, there should be a looser correlation between individual stocks and the general market so in the medium term, companies' revenue growth and earnings will matter more
- Commodities will be the clear winner, and more so if 1) the ECB ends up selling US dollars to buy Italian and Spanish sovereign bonds, 2) bad harvests lead to food shortages, and 3) things get out of control in the Middle East

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Should I get a full-time MBA in the US?

Since September and hence the application season are round the corner, I thought it would be a good time to offer my two cents on whether young professionals should get a full-time MBA degree. My cousin (an Asian male in his late twenties working in a professional service firm in the US) happened to ask me this question a couple months ago and this was my response, in bullet points ...

- MBA education must only be weighed on a return on investment basis, comparing the cost and time of getting the degree with your projected future earnings. If you want to learn something theoretical, go read a book. If you want to learn how something actually works, talk to multiple people in that field. If you are bored and unhappy with your job, get a better one if you can. Otherwise just suck it up

- I don't know about the MBA job market enough these days but my gut tells me that only positions that are recruiting in top 10 or maybe top 20 MBA programs will offer the right returns on investment for someone that has a well-paid job in a professional service firm to spend $100,000 and forgo 2 years of income

- Don't even think about your employer paying for your MBA unless you work for a major management consulting firm, a big corporation that has specific arrangements with a top business school (Ford-HBS comes to my mind) or a non-US government entity (Singapore government and Japan central bank/ministry of finance come to my mind)

- GMAT scores are generally used as gatekeepers for top MBA programs. Once you pass a certain score, it doesn't matter. That said, the GMAT threshold for Asian males is at least 730 these days for top MBA programs

- For Asian males, there are generally two ways of getting into a top MBA program: 1) Have an impeccable resume, i.e. Ivy undergraduate degree, 3.8+ GPA, 2 years in an investment bank + 2 years in a major private equity/hedge fund or 2 years in a management consulting firm + 2 years doing something interesting or 2) From now on, do everything right to the admissions people but silly otherwise (e.g. working 50 hours a week and being in the top tier in a professional service firm + be the chairperson of your local Habitat for Humanity chapter + take a leave of absence for 3 months volunteering in Tibet) and beg (I mean it literally) them to let you in

- I assume both options are not applicable or appealing to you so I will skip the pros and cons but let me tell you who are the people that would most likely thrive in top MBA programs: women and minorities (and needless to say Asian males don't count), people that are and can sound passionate but don't know enough about investment banking or management consulting, people that have very specific dream jobs that top business schools can bridge to (the best example I have heard of is product manager for Xbox, another example is MBA marketing programs for major consumer packaged goods corporations like Kraft and Pepsi which bridge to top marketing jobs in the country), smart and capable professionals that are making very little money now so the return on investment is high (e.g. Navy SEALs, failed entrepreneurs, anyone from the third world that has an impressive resume and can speak good enough English to get a job in the US)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012




我:你傻了嗎?現在地產交投淡靜,大陸人不再來香港買樓,發展商都看不好後市,最近政府也不再賣地,曾俊華更三番四次警告買樓要小心,現在買樓的不是炒居屋就是是那些只有幾十萬現金在手但害怕自己以後上不了車的 stupid money , smart money 已經離場了,香港地產泡沫爆破是遲早問題。














Monday, August 20, 2012



1)我剛去台北坐的是國泰,機票港幣兩千多,是上個月國泰大減價時買的,來回經濟客艙都有八成滿。下個禮拜是八月最後一個禮拜,按理應該是航空交通非常繁忙的禮拜,現在卻要大減價促銷, 看來華航大部份班次都尚有大量空位。

2)通常在出發日期前幾天買票的都是時間沒有什麽彈性的商務旅客,所以航空公司會針對客源而提高價錢。看看在同一時間的台北松山到上海虹橋的航班便知道 (價錢以台幣計算),所有禮拜一,五,日的航班由上海回台北的航班都滿了:




Friday, August 17, 2012




看過不少保安專家的分析,九一一後主要由美國引進的安全措施例如不准帶液體上機,增加人手搜身次數和脫鞋檢查等的目的主要是令旅客感覺安全一點,這些措施難不倒有計劃有經驗有運氣的劫機者,而一貫的措施對付笨賊綽綽有餘。這個現象英語叫 security theater, 中文可以譯作安檢大龍鳳。九一一後只有兩個改變是真的改善旅客安全的:1)駕駛艙門鞏固了,機司甚麼時候也一定把駕駛艙門鎖上,2)乘客假如懷疑有人劫機,會立即出手制止,就算犧牲自己生命也在所不惜。幾年前有劫機者試圖在飛往美國底特律的航班引爆炸彈,就是被幾個奮不顧身的乘客及時阻止的。



Tuesday, July 24, 2012


週末逛書展經過辰衝書局的攤位,令我想起一位已故的長輩,辰衝書局老闆李信章先生。我家在香港親戚不多,但在小時候爺爺每年都會帶我到半山李家拜年,只記得大宅裏面很多人,他們說的客家話我聽不懂,但只要說幾聲恭喜發財就收到幾百塊的利是,所以每次拜年都非常雀躍。準備到美國升大學那年的暑假,爺爺有一天要我陪他到中環,說有禮物給我,結果到了德輔道中的 Hong Kong Book Centre, 李公公已經一早恭候,說了幾句恭賀說話後便從書架拿了一本林語堂的英文版吾國與吾民給我,叫我帶到美國有空看看。


在書展攤位找不到吾國與吾民,打電話到總店,他們說全線已經斷了貨,最後一本也在去年賣掉,問他們是不是還是李家的,他們說是。在這個電子書和板腦流行的年代,買英文書不用再到辰衝,只要上網按幾下鍵便行,吾國與吾民可能由於在 1935 年出版的關係,在網路上已經有免費版,連那港幣百多元也可以省掉。十年樹木百年樹人,辰衝已經有差不多一百年歷史。他們在下一代接手後,順應潮流,改變了店鋪風格,加了 Kelly & Walsh 的品牌,也開設了網上書店。在這裡祝願他們無論順境逆境都能解決問題,努力經營下去。

Monday, July 23, 2012



